We live in a day where people are constantly busy but sometimes we’re just spinning our wheels. Just like the hamster, we can find ourselves going full speed but not making any progress. Then our friends and families get whatever leftover energy we might have left when we finally make it back home. Not to mention churches, synagogues, and other community organizations that we value but don’t have the time or energy to serve with our full focus.
There is hope. We can live in a way that allows us to be free to focus on what truly matters.
I have enjoyed watching Michael Hyatt develop from a behind-the-scenes corporate executive to an in-demand, mainstage speaker, best-selling author, and productivity expert.
He has developed a program, entitled Free to Focus designed to help us be able to focus on those relationships that truly matter in our lives. The registration period only last through Friday, September 29. If you are interested or would just like to learn more, please click here https://freetofocus.com/WLEAFS/2017f2fsales
Michael Hyatt, NY Times Best-Selling author and former CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers, offers some very helpful real-world advice in this free online training today, September 29, at 11:00 a.m., 5:00 p.m., or 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time. You can register here https://freetofocus.com/WLEAFS/2017webinar
I believe in it so much that I signed up as an affiliate to help get the word out. Please feel free to share this with your work team and friends.
Thank you