How You Doin’?

January 14, 2021

Really. How are you?

Even when times are good, I know that everyone is fighting some battle and dealing with the junk that life throws at us. These are challenging times, to put it mildly. So, even more, I do pray that you are doing well.

Me? I think I’m doing okay. Maybe one step above treading water, but okay. Some days have been filled with more joy and hope. Others with anxiety and wonder (that’s what you call despair when you know that everything will eventually be great but you wonder how you will get there. It’s a little like knowing the end of a movie but watching to see how in the world they save the world this time).

I’ve been thinking that I need to write more but everyday life has taken so much more energy during this season. I didn’t think it had been that long but then I noticed that I had only written one post here in 2020. One day out of 365. That’s a batting average of 0.003! So looking forward, I feel pretty confident I can do better in 2021. Hey, I’m already halfway there.

Rowes Wharf at Boston Harbor Photo by Kevin T. Cunningham

Honestly, I am sorry for not being here for you last year. Encouraging people has been a passion and calling. One of the ways that I can do that is through writing. But it’s hard to encourage others when you’re hanging on by a thread. Not to be overdramatic but finding work as a contractor or freelancer takes a lot more effort during a pandemic. I’ll share more soon but the important point, for now, is that this has served as a great reminder for me.

You need a full tank to encourage others effectively for the long term.

When you’re struggling, you can help others for a while. But if you try to do that for long before replennishing, you’ll end up burning out.

Please believe me. I’m really not complaining. God has always been good. God has been good–even during a pandemic. I have a new understanding when I pray, “give us this day our daily bread.” I’ve seen God answer prayers for work very often during this time.

In 2020, I completed an assignment as an Intentional Interim Pastor in Gloucester, MA. I provided premarital coaching for and married some wonderful couples. I expanded my videography work to go beyond weddings and family events to include live-streaming funerals, producing a music video, and occasionally providing B-roll footage for news outlets for Stringr. The picture above was from one of my assignments at Boston Harbor.

Looking forward, I hope to be a resource as you seek to love and live for God wherever he has placed you and may lead.

Major themes ahead will include learning how to encourage ourselves or finding our strength in God. I’ve written on this in the past (see The quarantine has reminded me of how critical this is. We are all in a battle. Everyday. Even when things seem good. How much more during a pandemic.

My plan is to publsih a new post every Thursday. Prayers appreciated. In the comments below, please let me know how you keep yourself focused on God and open to the Holy Spirit’s work in your life.

See you next week.

Kevin Cunningham

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