Archives For Eliminating Distractions

Revive Your Prayer Life

April 4, 2018

It’s so easy for us to just go through the motions.

Have you ever noticed people sitting together in a restaurant but have their faces are in their phones?  They have real-life human beings in front of them but are essentially ignoring them while having quality time with their device.  These are people we probably even like and we still have challenging nurturing our relationship.

Two diners distracted by their cell phones

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If we can essentially ignore people we care about and can see, think about our relationship with a God that can not be seen.  I need to consistently bring my thoughts back in line so I can focus on an interactive conversation with people that I dearly love.  You can imagine how much harder this is when we are talking about something important like prayer—typically a one-way conversation with God.


Apart from focus, balance in prayer can be very helpful.  There are types or aspects of prayer that can be helpful (watch for more in a future post).  Having a balanced view of God can also be extremely helpful.  Sometimes, I fear we can forget the WHO of prayer.  We know we are praying to God, but if we are not careful, we can have an inaccurate or incomplete view of God.

I find it helpful to occasionally remind myself of God’s character or attributes.  In Time with God, I divided the prayer sections into four categories so that in a month, I can intentionally dwell on the majesty, gentleness, righteousness, and love of God respectively.  Continue Reading…