Archives For Thanksgiving

Grow in Thankfulness

November 19, 2018

The Apostle Paul wrote

Give thanks in everything for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thess 5:18)

As I write this, Thanksgiving Day is just a few days away. You might already be in preparation mode to visit with or host family and close friends. As you work to assure that everything is ready, can I suggest you plan to check your own Gratitude Quotient? No, I didn’t make that up. It is a thing.

It’s amazing to me how easily we can overlook the obvious or take the main point for granted. Have you ever gotten to the airport for an international flight and had to go back home to the passport you left on the nightstand so you wouldn’t forget it? No, I haven’t done that but I did drive at least one person who did. Image ID: 85379016 Copyright: PixelsAway


The question I have for us today, especially as we are getting ready to celebrate Thanksgiving in the United States, how is YOUR Thankfulness level? After all, it is THANKSgiving Day — a day for giving thanks.

Here’s your chance to see where you are on this continuum and to seize the opportunity to grow in thankfulness. Image ID: 126987850 Copyright: PixelsAway

Level 1: Ungrateful

Maybe you consider yourself a self-made man or woman. Nobody gave you anything. In spite of the deck being stacked against you, you made it to the top. You see no need to be thankful. If anyone did happen to help you along the way, you figure they did it for their own benefit. So, you see no need to be thankful. Continue Reading…