Archives For Training

Get Your Message Heard

October 18, 2017

A few years ago, I felt a stirring deep within that God was getting me ready for something new.

Change isn’t always easy.  Overcoming fear or procrastination can make Goliath seem like a cub scout.  But like the expression goes, sometimes it’s “Change or Die!”

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I wasn’t quite sure what it would look like and where He would lead but it was clear that something new was coming.  I knew that God had given me a message to share.  Somehow, I had a sense that it would include writing and maybe speaking.

Over the next couple of years, I spent a lot of time seeking God and learning new skills.  In many ways, I am still learning and still on that journey.  Let me share some of the people and resources that have helped me tremendously.


I attended a workshop with John C. Maxwell and Michael Hyatt about Continue Reading…