My main focus is to provide tips and resources to encourage and equip us as we seek to live out our faith every day. A major theme that will run through most posts is how we are called to love God and to love people. It sounds so simple but it is amazing how easy it is to get out of balance. A critical aspect of this concept is that loving God comes first. Loving people is up there but it is still number two. Apart from the idea that God is…well, God, and deserves to be first, when we focus on God first we can get our sense of identity and worth from Him. Then, trusting God to care for our needs, we can focus on building into the lives of those God puts around us.
One Bible passage that has been particularly meaningful to me is Hebrews 10:19-27. In it, we see the importance of meeting together with other believers so that we can encourage each other. The writer is very clear to guide us to draw near to God first in full assurance of faith. Then we can truly be a source of real encouragement for people.
It will be an interesting journey. I’d love to have you join me. When you’re ready, please subscribe to the blog so you’ll be notified when new items are posted.
Here are some key posts that will give you some things to think about and practical motivation and tools as you seek to love God and the people he has placed in your life.
The Need for Encouragement
We Need Encouragers Now More Than Ever Part 1
We Need Encouragemers… Part 2
We Need Encouragers Because We’re All in a Battle
Walking by Faith Is Challenging
The Power of Encouragement
A Little Encouragement Can Make a Big Difference.
Come As You Are. Leave Better Than You Were.
Practical Help for Personal Prayer
Praying for Our Roles and Relationships
How’s Your Prayer Life? Need Help?
Four Components of a Balanced Prayer Time
Minister through Your Writing
Help for Writers
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