I recently picked up a book by an author I’ve interacted with in a Facebook group together. People would often post prayer requests in this group. Many in the group would show concern and promise to pray. But one person would actually pray in their comment. Jill was that person. I appreciated her immediate prayerful response, it helped make prayer a present reality rather than something I would try to remember to do sometime later. She became a modern-day hero of the faith for me.
When I heard that Jill wrote a book, I needed to learn more. When I saw that it was a journal that incorporated Scripture writing, I was hooked. But since my spiritual gift is buying books (rather than reading them), it sat on a shelf for a couple of months until I picked it up today to add a fresh element to my quiet time. I am so glad I did.
Scripture Writing Journal on Grace by Jill Pate Barlow

The Book
The book has a simple layout. It’s designed to give the user space to process their thoughts and insights. Each day has three sections.
- Things I’m Grateful For Today
- Prayer Section
- Write (The Daily Scripture Passage)
The first section gives five opportunities to count our blessings. I am generally an upbeat, positive-focused person. But every now and then, I can catch myself sounding like a grumpy old man. Usually, I’m able to catch myself before blurting something out loud. It stings way too much when my ears hear the echo of negative or complaining thoughts coming back in my own voice.
Even for someone who usually begins prayer with, “Thank you for …” I find it tremendously helpful to have the chance to intentionally focus my thoughts on some of the blessings I could otherwise take for granted.
This is space for you to use however God may lead. You could list items for prayer or even write out your own prayers.
You might even choose to handwrite a prayer inspired by the Scripture section for the day.
Write a Scripture Passage
Here is the heart of the journal. Jill has selected a passage for each day giving the user ample space to handwrite the passage. Following is a brief paragraph sharing Jill’s insight and space to record your own thoughts inspired by the passage.
There is something otherworldly that happens when we downshift to the speed of legible handwriting. I can write fast but no one (including myself) would ever be able to read it. When I write neatly enough to be legible, my world slows down long enough to process. Even though I’m not the one coming up with original thoughts, my attention is still focused on the point of the pen forming letters on the page. That discipline allows me the time to consider each word anew. It takes a little discipline to keep the mind from wandering but it is worth the effort.
I thoroughly appreciated the blessing of being able to meditate on a few verses and freshly consider their significance for my own day.
Later this week, I’ll share some thoughts on the passage I wrote out this morning. I was already blessed greatly and look forward to digging a bit deeper.